Halloween Safety & Goodie Bag Printables
Let’s talk about Halloween Safety!
Whether you hand out candy or go trick or treating, here are 5 tips to keep you and your family safe!
1. If you hand out candy, consider making individual goodie bags to avoid multiple hands going into a candy bowl. We created this fun tag you can print and attached to your bags to make them special and festive! Right click on the image to save and print.

2. Offer an allergy friendly option! Here are some ideas: White House Foods® apple sauce cups, glow sticks, pencils, etc. You can order apple sauce cups here: Click here!
3. Make sure costumes are sized properly to avoid tripping. Walk. Don’t run, like ever. Stay on the sidewalk. Only cross the street when it is necessary, look both ways, AND do not assume you have the right of way.
4. Stick to neighborhoods you know. Accept candy from the step or porch. Never, ever enter a home. If you are unsure about the neighborhoods in your area, check out local trunk or treat events. Typically, churches, businesses, schools, etc. put these on for a safe trick or treating experience!
5. If you are handing out candy, offer a sanitizing station. If you are trick or treating, bring sanitizer with you.
It’s never too early to start prepping for a FUN, and spooky SAFE Halloween!

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